Monday, July 8, 2019

New patterns available

I have a couple of new patterns available through Connecting Threads!
 Fancy That pattern and quilt kit

You can find the kit and the pattern in the July 2019 catalog from Connecting Threads...or follow this link if you do not have the catalog available.  This quilt was designed with EQ8, a quilt design program I have used since it first came out! Love being able to pop the fabrics in so I can audition them for the final quilt.

This little quilt pattern and kit can be found here......My Happy Place.
It was also designed in EQ8!

While I enjoy designing quilts, testing the pattern is the hard part.  I can read it over and over, make the quilt....and still miss an error!  I need someone with good technical proof reading skills and can do this in about a one month period.....any takers?

As my brain clears up, things will get accomplished!  
What are you sewing on in the midst of the summer heat?  I am trying to finish one thing every week. 

grace and peace....Sharon


  1. That is so awesome, love them

  2. If you are just looking for proof reading, I'd be interested and think a month turn around is super reasonable. Actual pattern testing is harder for me as my available sewing time varies greatly from week to week.

  3. Also, I love that second pattern with the flower pots!
